Good News

If you have read the Good News Paper, we hope you will have seen the difference knowing Jesus Christ makes to people lives.

The Christian faith is not some philosophy dream’t up to make people feel better, or a crutch in times of need. Its based on a person. Our time itself is measured from the day of his birth. Jesus Christ’s life is a fact of History. In Jesus God became a man, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross – taking God’s punishment for all our sins and mine. But He came back to life to prove His power over death, then went back to heaven, and will one day return again. In Jesus we are offered a person to follow, a power to transform lives, a purpose for living and eternal life.

My Wife and I have produced a booklet called  ” Jesus Examined ” click on the     link     to view

If you would like to know, Jesus Christ for Yourself.  Read aloud meaningfully and sincerely the prayer below.

Dear God, I believe that Jesus died so that I can be forgiven.

I admit I have done wrong things, and have not lived my life how you want me to.

I am sorry. Please forgive me, and come into my life to help me live your way.

From this moment on I want to follow Jesus’s example, and join other Christians in serving you and other people. Amen

Then go to “Prayer request or question” tab on this Web site and fill in the details to send a message to me.

Or go to  and click on finding faith section.